Thursday, June 15, 2006

AFSS "End State"....20 AFSS or 13 ???

Isn't it true that in the LM bid it states that the end state would be 3 hubs and 10 "legacy" sites?

Isn't it true that in the LM bid it states that after the 5th year, they will close some "legacy sites"?

Isn't it true that LM has not divulged this to its workers?

Isn't it true that LM has not shown its full proposal to its employees?

Isn't it true LM?

Isn't it true that if you were fair to your workforce, they would have been fair to you?

Isn't it true, that if all the above is correct, you wouldn't be scrambling to hire ex-controllers who have been out of the job for years?

Ex-briefer...its true..thank GOD!

Friday, June 09, 2006


By mid month all current employees working the "boards" will receive a ballot from the US labor board. It’s a pretty simple piece of paper. It has two empty blocks on it. Probably the most important piece of paper you have received (other than your paycheck) in the last few months. Here is the chance to have a union.....doesn't have to be NAATS....just a union. Please think about you co-workers if you are one of the lucky ones who won't be working for LM in the future. Put the dues issue behind you. If you only have a few more months with LM, and/or are at a FSS that is closing, don't be selfish. Now is not the time to "prove a point" or slam the previous NAATS leadership.

This is a new ballgame. New players, and in my opinion, an employer who is not being honest with its employees. Recently one of the LM officials stated that if a union gets in, he would not be able to do all he has done in the past without negotiating with a union. I asked" what exactly have you done in the past"? All that has been done so far is, an ever changing call forwarding program, short staffed facilities causing overwork and more people resigning. Other than that....same old, same old. When the rubber meets the road, and summer traffic jumps, and LM starts jerking around your days off, think. Is this one of the things Mr. LM is doing because there is no union? You betcha. When you get in a situation where you need legal representation, will LM be there backing up you actions??? Hmmm. I would much rather have NAATS (or its replacement) and NAGE in my corner than someone who answers to the stockholders.

So, look to your left....look to your right. Some of those folks working beside you have lives. Families. Mortgages. Vote with them in mind instead of how you really feel about unions. It’s not always about you but the overall workforce. As in the past, the union has been there if you needed it. If things are fine at your facility and you manager is doing his job that is great. Think about the end state. Will a new manager be the same, or more likely be on a power trip. Vote YES on union representation. In my opinion.....we are going to need it.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Taxpayers 1....... NATCA 0

Well congress has spoken and supported Ma and Pa Taxpayer (you and me) as well as the FAA. Finally a decision out of DC I can live with. I wonder what the NATCA membership had to pay in union dues to come up about 20 votes short of the 2/3s vote needed to pass the bill. Ahh...they can afford it. Some are making over $170,000.00 a year. Let’s not forget....that’s only being on position about 4 hours out of an 8 hour day. (Stress you know. It’s a killer.) No wonder they are fighting like hell to keep the old contract. Well it looks like NATCA should shift gears and start looking at the privatization issue. That’s next.....remember, you read it here first.

Former controller of 20 years.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Congress....FAA......NATCA.....sound familiar?

In a recent article (these pieces from the St. Louis Post Dispatch) on NATCA and the FAA :
The union estimates that one-quarter of the work force would retire next year under the new contract and that by 2008 more than half - 7,300 controllers - would quit, leaving remaining workers the air traffic control system understaffed. It takes three to five years to fully train new controllers, Rosenthal said, and the two-tier pay system would lower the caliber of future hires.

My view......See ya.
Talk about a threat.
The FAA has the chance to pick up the FSS folks they SCREWED. Let them (CURRENT CONTROLLERS) retire. We'll step right in. Did it during the PATCO strike, along with military controllers. The world didn't stop revolving.

A NATCA spokesman then goes on to say...

..... that because of complex formulas involving different locations around the country and varying volumes of air traffic, 97 percent of controllers would see no raise in base pay. As a result, their pensions will be diminished if they continue to work, he said. Moreover, controllers' average salary without benefits is presently $113,000 and already declining as senior employees leave, according to the union.

Diminished Pensions.........imagine that. Over 75 % of FSS controllers L O S T their E N T I R E pension. Stop bitchin. Do your job. Lockheed Martin is watching you!

Give us a break already......your starting to sound like PETA.

Oh yea....and try to stay awake on position.

Former NATCA supporter.

(Edited 6/2/06)